Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cultural Relevance vs. Biblical Truth

My wife and I were recently discussing the subject of when does Culture supersede the Bible. It seems that in our day today divorce and co-habitation have become common place even in the Church. The Bible is clear that he/she who divorces their spouse and marries another commits adultery yet we accept it and smooth over the truth by reliance on the forgiveness and grace of God.

Likewise many for the sake of convenience decide to move in together prior to marriage with the excuse that hey! We're getting married anyway soon and it's cheaper for two to live and we can save the extra money for the wedding. I have a friend who used to play Bass for me and is now in a well known local worship group who recently informed me of meeting a girl on the internet and marrying her. Prior to the day he moved her here from Hawaii and in with him. I frankly asked him, "so, did you behave yourself during that time", his response, "Man, don't even go there, we're adults and know what we're doing, we were getting married anyway." This is a man who was/is serving God in music ministry, wants God to bless their efforts yet ignore basic biblical truth, I'm afraid too many of us just like my friend just don't care to live Holy.
We knew this as situational ethics and were warned when our kids were young that it would eventually overtake our morals and thinking. Again the bible is clear on this subject so what should be our response.

My new friend in the blogging world, Pastor Luke, had a post concerning cussing and his cultures unreluctant use of it. I read his comments and some of the replies but decided to refrain at the time from commenting. When I came to the Lord 26 years ago, I was less than a year out of the Navy and as you can probably guess I had a sailors vocabulary. Miraculously, without any effort of my own, the Lord took that language from my mouth. Now in the years hence, I must admit I have allowed some of it to come back in. I don't make any excuses for it and I don't justify it, it's just there. But, I am actively seeking to be renewed again in my mind and actions so as to be rid of it once and for all. Many have tried to use the commandment, "Don't take the name of the Lord in vain", as a proof text for not cussing. In actuality that verse doesn't really concern the use of foul language (which it could include in some instances) as much as an individual claiming to be a Christian or follower of God who is not really serious about it, in other words you profession of faith is vain.

The cussing issue to me falls more on the side of, How should our speech be? Cutting, cursing, tearing down, filthy, arrogant, etc. Or Holy, uplifting, full of grace, loving, caring, understanding, supportive. I'm not as worried about being classy as I am being Holy (set apart for God). When I speak I want men to hear Jesus, (love, compassion, peace, understanding), not the old salt I used to be nor the fool I am.

Come out from among them and be ye separate. Be Holy as I am Holy. These are commands I want to try and strive for, not separate from the sinners presence but from their actions, not Holier than thou but as Holy as I allow God to make me. I always liked what Tozer said in one of his messages, "We're all as Holy as we want to be", boy how I sell myself short too many times.

But for the Grace of God go I.


Blogger Unknown said...

That was wonderful Denny. You have spoken from the heart, your were open, honest, sincere, and real. You did not cover up your short falls, and yet you still managed to speak the truth of Holiness into the lives of your readers.


6:02 AM  
Blogger D.R. Miller said...

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement brother Luke. One of the things I have tried to do, knowing my own faults, is be real in front of people, not be a hypocrite and cover the truth that the only difference between me and the unbeliever is that I have trusted Christ for my salvation, I believe God when he calls my shortcomings sin and don't make any excuses for them, and strive to allow God to mold and make me what he desires me to be. Unfortunately I have also found that they are more judgemental of me than I of them. I truly believe, though they say otherwise, they don't want to see a so called Christian who is just like them, they want to know there is hope to be different. Many are not as happy as they'd like you to believe and are just looking for something or someone that is sincere and gives them hope. There is a fine balance between the two, real and redeemded, we must strive to make the real, redeemed and the redeemed, real so that people will believe us when we say Jesus is the answer.

2:13 PM  

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