Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Movie - The Second Chance

I recently purchased this movie watched it twice over the weekend and absolutely loved the message it is trying portray. My only problem is that it is geared toward the Church not the unbelievers and the directors choice to include what some consider foul language will keep many who need to see it from watching. Those of us who are not offended by this may consider it silly that someone in our day would have a problem seeing how its not as bad as some of the TV shows these same people watch daily. But when something is exhibited as Christian and stars known Christians it immediately places it on a higher standard which it should be.

We may consider these folks as weaker brethren and that may be true or we who approve are just taking advantage of our liberty. Whatever the case, the scripture is clear that we are to operate in love toward one another. I was not offended though I was disappointed because with each pushing of the envelope in our Christian art one has to ask when the first sex scenes or tempting nudity will appear in a so called Christian film to appeal to the masses. I for one hope never.

If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it, there is one footwashing scene that just opened the floodgate of tears and had me asking why I want to play with God. The Holy Spirit really spoke to me through that act of love and forgiveness portrayed on the screen.


Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like a wonderful movie.

11:40 AM  

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