Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Walking Wounded

Why are there so many Christians who don't want anything to do with Church? What is it about Church that has driven them away? I know from my own experience it was a man with a unique gift for teaching who drew many with his words and the way he could teach the word but drove those same people away with his pastoral conduct and the demons he fought in his own life. Many of those with whom I once fellowshipped with have found other homes but it is almost like they are in a foster home and are continually haunted by the home they once knew but cannot return too. Many have scars that have not healed and are the walking wounded seeking someplace to call home and never finding it. Others have given up altogether and have turned away from God to lick their wounds and find relief wherever they can.

But, just as God provides healing to our physical bodies through his Son, Jesus Christ and his atonement on the cross, he has provided healing to the walking wounded through his body the Church and the love and grace that should be flowing freely from every part. We should be actively seeking those missing pieces of his/our body and binding up the wounds that have been festering for so long, applying the salve of the Holy Spirit by the Love of Christ through the healthy members without partiality, that is God's way, Forgiveness and Restoration. We need to actively pursue our brothers and sisters and bring them back home to restore them to the family of God.

If there is a brother or sister who has left because of something you have said or done, go to them and ask forgiveness, tell them they are loved and missed and their family is longing to see them again to support and love them. If you know someone who is one of the walking wounded, be Jesus to them. I'm not saying they will all come back, but those who really desire to be healed and will let God work in their lives and desire to be obedient to his word will respond to God's love with open arms and open hearts. There deepest longing is to find their way home where God is.


Blogger Beth said...

Very insightful blog. Thank you. Those are the people I want to be Jesus to as well.

8:34 AM  
Blogger D.R. Miller said...

Actually this is what I was planning to write for your blog till God changed it. But the inspiration for this subject came from our conversation the other day and you and your husbands vision. I believe God will use you both of you to be Jesus to many hurting people.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Thanks I'll make sure Mitch sees this. It will be an encouragement to him.

10:27 AM  
Blogger CrimsonLine said...

Well said. I serve a church that's in a lot of pain and bitterness over a meltdown that happened a couple of years ago. "I'm sorry" are among the most powerful and important words for our situation, and must be said before healing can take place.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Christian leaders who are not afraid to say "I'm sorry" are always high on my respect list.

8:39 AM  

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