Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Things above, Life below - Col. 3:1-4

With all the pressures we have in this life I find it difficult to keep my mind on things above when so many other things are trying to snatch its attention. I would love nothing better than to spend my days in wonderful bliss before God with nothing to divert my attention from my pursuit of Him but that is not our reality nor the reality He desires for us. He did not place us in this world to try and hide or escape its troubles. He came and brought salvation so we would have a means to rejoice in this worlds tribulations and look ahead to the blessings of eternity. He wants us to live, work, and press on by faith and the power of His Spirit so we can be a testimony and example to others in this world of How great a God we have. Is that what the world sees or do they see just another bunch of grumblers?


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