Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Missing Power of Our Gospel - 1Thes. 1:1-10

The reputation of the Church in America among unbelievers and the unchurched is not very favorable. Instead of drawing them into a relationship with Jesus Christ we are repelling them with our un-Christlike attitudes and actions. I believe the main reason is that our Gospel, unlike Paul's, has been in word only with no or little power of the Holy Spirit and half-hearted conviction. The lost in this world, our neighbors and co-workers, hear us talk a good talk but they don't see us walk a good walk. We must remember that actions speak louder than words so when we act unlovingly or judgementally, fall into sin, divorce and re-marry, lie, cheat or steal, they take notice. They evaluate their own lives against those who name the name of Jesus in word only and say, I'm no so bad, why do I need a Savior?


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