Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Calling or Career, ministry at the crossroads

The role of Pastor is at a crossroads in our time. It used to be a vocation, if you could call it that, where men were called to ministry by God. They devoted their lives to living by faith in God for their provision as they preached the word to the multitudes. As Bible colleges and seminaries began to spring up, men went from the call straight to schools where they were taught how to be pastors and confirm the man tainted truths of the bible in accordance with whichever denomination they were associated with. It wasn't long before another brick of truth fell when the mindset of the market place entered the picture and pastors began to think of themselves as CEO's of God's corporation fully deserving of the compensation that goes with the title. Thus we no longer have men answering a humble call but those seeking a prestigious and lucrative career. Oh that men would once again forsake all for the sake of the Gospel as those humble men once did who gave up life and liberty to follow the call of Christ.


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