Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Modern Worship - Who's it really for?

Modern Worship, the concert like atmosphere of high energy contemporary praise and worship that has taken the place of traditional hymnody in most churches today, who is it directed to and what is it’s real purpose?

Nelson’s bible dictionary defines worship as: — reverent devotion and allegiance pledged to God; the rituals or ceremonies by which this reverence is expressed.

Modern worship leaders and worshippers would say that is exactly what we are doing but is that exactly true? When people choose a church or service based upon the type of music that is used who is it really for? Who are we really trying to appease? I’ve known of people who judge the worth of a church service on how well the music and musicians moved them or made them feel they had a good time. That goes right along with the propaganda of the seeker churches in our country, come to church and have a good time, see how much fun you can have being entertained for God. It’s all about the entertainment value and ability to entice people into an atmosphere of self gratification. That sounds far from the true purpose of gathering for the worship of almighty God.

Don’t get me wrong, I like many of the contemporary worship songs that have come about in the last few decades. I learned to use my guitar for worship at a Calvary Chapel I attended for several years and then was worship leader at a small church for the past 10 years before planting “The Orchard”. During that time I incorporated both contemporary and traditional hymnody into our worship experience. But one thing I always tried to do was make my presence in front of the congregation as inconspicuous as possible so as to focus our attention upon the God whom we were directing our praise to. In the modern concert like atmosphere the band and the stage seem to be the focus of attention and having a good time the goal.

I know it sounds like I am judging peoples hearts and I also know many in congregation do direct their attention and worship to God in these services and that is how it should be, but at the same time many of these same people have a negative bias toward traditional hymnody that passes the same judgement toward those who prefer the traditional service over the contemporary. Music should not be the focus of our worship, God should be and we should be able to worship him because of who he is and what he has done for us regardless of what style of music is used or none at all. Our hearts should be drawn to him because He is our God not because of how the music moves us. We as followers of Christ need to repent of our selfishness and learn to be selfless in our serving of one another and our worship of God.


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