Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Jesus is now considered distracting to America's School Children.

I found this article on and thought it was interesting in light of some other news I heard from a friend who drives and school bus in our area. How many more ways can these public schools find to censor or discriminate against the Christian faith? It has always amazed me that those who cry the loudest against censorship and for diversity are the greatest offenders of both. Why is it that Christianity is being censored from the public arena and not treated with the same diversity as everything else? Sin is actually promoted and justified as acceptable in our society today as we are told, sometimes even coerced by companies and educational institutions, to be diverse and tolerant towards all, all that is except Christians. The article below is a good example of what I am talking about. Notice the comment by the Superintendent.

Eighth-Grade Boy Sent Home From School for Jesus Christ Halloween Costume
Saturday, November 01, 2008

PARAMUS, N.J. —  Dressing up as Jesus Christ for Halloween turned out to be a problem for a northern New Jersey boy.

Alex Woinski, an eighth-grader at West Brook Middle School in Paramus, was sent home from school on Friday because of his costume.
Alex, who has shoulder-length brown hair, wore a white robe, a red sash, sandals, a fake beard and a crown of thorns.
His mother says Alex was told he could keep the costume on if he removed the beard and crown of thorns, but he declined.
Superintendent James Montesano says the district doesn't want students wearing costumes that could be distracting.
Alex's mother is Catholic, and his father is Jewish.
He recently celebrated his Bar Mitzvah and is studying Bible scripture, according to his mom.

Think about this holiday and what you’ve seen advertised for costumes, sexy nurses, exotic dancers, etc, or what you have seen others wearing, witches, vampires, horror characters, and tell me what your definition of distracting is. A neighbor of mine who drives a bus for our school district told me that on Halloween two of his fellow drivers drove their buses dressed as a pimp (man) and the other as a hooker (woman). Do you really think that school age children need to see adults dressed like that. The woman was distracting to my christian friend who told me this woman was a Pentecostal who would normally not even wear pants but came dressed up in a short skirt and revealing blouse that offended him terribly. What do you think these kids thought, would that be considered distracting to them also How about all the witches, vampires, freddie kruger’s, etc. that showed up for school, are any of those distracting? No, but let a kid show up as Jesus or any character with a Christian theme and watch them be censored and sent home as distracting.

My friends, this does not surprise me for we are told that we can expect this kind of activity and the closer we get to Christ’s return the more intense it will become. We must remember that this world is not our home and we are but aliens and strangers here. We must continue to lift the banner of Christ as long as we can and be willing to be persecuted and even die for the Gospel. They might be able to keep our prayers and our costumes out of their classrooms but they can never keep the real person of Jesus out of anywhere his faithful are present as long as we are willing to lift up his name despite the resistance we meet.


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