Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The inspired American Constitution

I was speaking to one of my neighbors recently who is also a fellow believer and we were discussing the election and things to come when he asked me if I believed God was involved in the framing of our Constitution. I told him “NO” I did not believe that but that it was solely the work of men who were merely wanting freedom from tyranny and the right to govern themselves. Did faith play a part? For many personal faith played into their actions, for others it was purely political and like many of our politicians today they just threw God into the mix to sway the masses and make it sound like a divine calling.

There is only one divinely inspired text and that is the Bible. To try and claim that for any other text of man is to place that document on the same level as the Bible. America is not God’s other promised land nor are Americans God’s new nation of chosen people. We are proving that everyday in our churches where men and women called out to serve and live for him do everything but as they strive to enjoy all that this world has to offer and bring shame to the name of Jesus Christ.

We worry more about homosexuals being allowed to marry than we do about Christian couples vowing to remain married. We speak out against abortion as we take our own daughters in secret or force marriages that should never be just to save face. We throw money at problems in our society instead of giving ourselves. And most of us today don’t even know the people living in the same neighborhood who need Christ and someone to care when their lives are turning upside down and the pain is more than they can bear. Most Christians today can do nothing to solve these problems because their living right in the middle of it also with the same lack of faith and loss of hope because they don’t really know the Lord that saved them.

We need to quit worrying about being American citizens and start living like Heaven's citizens being more concerned with living under God’s grace and guidance in our nation and quit trying to make this nation heaven on earth by thinking we can legislate righteousness to a corrupt world. It’s not going to happen, change only comes as God is invited into a life and given opportunity to initiate that change and make it permanent. We change the world ‘One life at a time“ not ”One law at a time“.

Pastor Dennis Miller
The Orchard


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