From where does true knowledge come?
My pastor commented yesterday, after I shared some new understanding of Paul's "Thorn in the Flesh" via F.F. Bosworth. that when he diagree's I have been prone to replying he needs to study it some more. I did not realize I had been doing that but I probably am biased that much of what he believes is shaped by his Fundamental Baptist theological training. It does not mean that everything he has been taught is wrong because I trust that a lot of what has been upheld and defended by my Baptist brethren has been true. But, there are some things I think they just refuse to consider because they cannot understand it and are so careful not to step into the path of pentecostalism.
I on the other hand, though still cautious to make sure I am in the will of God, have experienced God and the Holy Spirit in ways my Baptist Brothers say is not possible today. My only response to them is who should I believe? Man or God? Until God shows me otherwise I must walk where he takes me. I do not blatently exhibit or flaunt these before a congregation that is not willing to accept it, that would not be love nor the will of God. They must come into that knowledge on their own as they allow God to work in their lives.
I asked my Pastor yesterday, as we were driving and discussing some of this, if we are guilty of missing out on some of the blessings of God because we let what we have always believed get in the way of what God is trying to teach us in his word. In other words no matter what new information we may come across that would open our eyes, they remain blind because we stand upon untruth learned in the institutions of men. He agreed that is an honest possibilty and something to be considered. God has been teaching him just as he has me and He has taught me much through my Pastor's example. Hopefully as we serve together we will hone each other to sharpness in the understanding of God's word and will in his Church.
I on the other hand, though still cautious to make sure I am in the will of God, have experienced God and the Holy Spirit in ways my Baptist Brothers say is not possible today. My only response to them is who should I believe? Man or God? Until God shows me otherwise I must walk where he takes me. I do not blatently exhibit or flaunt these before a congregation that is not willing to accept it, that would not be love nor the will of God. They must come into that knowledge on their own as they allow God to work in their lives.
I asked my Pastor yesterday, as we were driving and discussing some of this, if we are guilty of missing out on some of the blessings of God because we let what we have always believed get in the way of what God is trying to teach us in his word. In other words no matter what new information we may come across that would open our eyes, they remain blind because we stand upon untruth learned in the institutions of men. He agreed that is an honest possibilty and something to be considered. God has been teaching him just as he has me and He has taught me much through my Pastor's example. Hopefully as we serve together we will hone each other to sharpness in the understanding of God's word and will in his Church.