Pastor Denny

Pastor, Musician, Martial Artist, and Alliance Church Planter/Pastor of "The Orchard" House Church Community in the Wichita, Kansas area.

Monday, July 31, 2006

From where does true knowledge come?

My pastor commented yesterday, after I shared some new understanding of Paul's "Thorn in the Flesh" via F.F. Bosworth. that when he diagree's I have been prone to replying he needs to study it some more. I did not realize I had been doing that but I probably am biased that much of what he believes is shaped by his Fundamental Baptist theological training. It does not mean that everything he has been taught is wrong because I trust that a lot of what has been upheld and defended by my Baptist brethren has been true. But, there are some things I think they just refuse to consider because they cannot understand it and are so careful not to step into the path of pentecostalism.

I on the other hand, though still cautious to make sure I am in the will of God, have experienced God and the Holy Spirit in ways my Baptist Brothers say is not possible today. My only response to them is who should I believe? Man or God? Until God shows me otherwise I must walk where he takes me. I do not blatently exhibit or flaunt these before a congregation that is not willing to accept it, that would not be love nor the will of God. They must come into that knowledge on their own as they allow God to work in their lives.

I asked my Pastor yesterday, as we were driving and discussing some of this, if we are guilty of missing out on some of the blessings of God because we let what we have always believed get in the way of what God is trying to teach us in his word. In other words no matter what new information we may come across that would open our eyes, they remain blind because we stand upon untruth learned in the institutions of men. He agreed that is an honest possibilty and something to be considered. God has been teaching him just as he has me and He has taught me much through my Pastor's example. Hopefully as we serve together we will hone each other to sharpness in the understanding of God's word and will in his Church.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I Never Realized!!!

I have been blessed in the last year to be involved with Jail ministry here in the Wichita area through a ministry at the County Jail called Christian Ministries to Offenders. It is a non-profit, God supported ministry that provides spiritual and physical support to the inmate population. I have also had the privilege of being able to counsel inmates and help lead many to the Lord. In talking and counseling so many young women (18 - 25) that are incarcerated for mainly drugs, prostitution and any number of things associated with that lifestyle, I never realized how hopeless so many young peoples lives have been.

It's not that I've lived a sheltered life, I was saved out of the drug culture myself but mine was pot and hallucinogens not crack and meth. Mine was a spiritual journey (so I thought, looking for God in all the wrong places, looking for God in too many faces), not a death wish. But I was saved before having a family (23) and raised my kids in Church and did my best to be a good father. Unfortunately I didn't realize that many of my peers never left it and there kids were raised in a god-forsaken existence of drugs, alcohol, abuse and abandonment, my generations kids are who we are dealing with and they are in terrible shape.

I can't put into words in this short space the devastation and hopelessness I see on the other side of the glass or the ones we hug and pray with on Sunday afternoons when we go inside for Church. So many want to know what it is to be loved, and cry unashamedly when faced with their sin and the pain they have lived, caused and endure all the time hearing that God still loves them and will forgive them and so do we.

If it was only that easy, but a life of addiction and abuse is hard to overcome especially when you don't take the steps necessary to overcome and find victory. Many have no where to go, they get released at 2:00 am holding their belongings, no money, no home, no hope, they find their way back to familiar surroundings and Jesus is left at the front door. The problem is there is such a great need, look in your own communities, you'll be surprised at what you find, but the Church of Jesus Christ is too busy building their next monument to God, patting each other on the back for their missions giving overseas and putting on blinders to the lost souls around them that sink away into oblivion.

I want to conclude this with the confession that it's bigger than you and me, even though my heart goes out to so many, especially the young ones who just seem to have never had a chance, but even with that I have not found it within myself to invite them into my home. Our church, which is small (approx 40 people on avg), will do whatever we can to get them to Church, provide basic needs such as food and clothing and as much financial need as wisdom and Gods leading will allow. One thing we try to keep in mind is if we are doing more then they are to try and better their life then something is wrong and caution needs to be heeded. I hope this touches some to look at the mission field close to home, the fields are definitely ready for harvest but the laborers are few.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Movie - The Second Chance

I recently purchased this movie watched it twice over the weekend and absolutely loved the message it is trying portray. My only problem is that it is geared toward the Church not the unbelievers and the directors choice to include what some consider foul language will keep many who need to see it from watching. Those of us who are not offended by this may consider it silly that someone in our day would have a problem seeing how its not as bad as some of the TV shows these same people watch daily. But when something is exhibited as Christian and stars known Christians it immediately places it on a higher standard which it should be.

We may consider these folks as weaker brethren and that may be true or we who approve are just taking advantage of our liberty. Whatever the case, the scripture is clear that we are to operate in love toward one another. I was not offended though I was disappointed because with each pushing of the envelope in our Christian art one has to ask when the first sex scenes or tempting nudity will appear in a so called Christian film to appeal to the masses. I for one hope never.

If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it, there is one footwashing scene that just opened the floodgate of tears and had me asking why I want to play with God. The Holy Spirit really spoke to me through that act of love and forgiveness portrayed on the screen.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cultural Relevance vs. Biblical Truth

My wife and I were recently discussing the subject of when does Culture supersede the Bible. It seems that in our day today divorce and co-habitation have become common place even in the Church. The Bible is clear that he/she who divorces their spouse and marries another commits adultery yet we accept it and smooth over the truth by reliance on the forgiveness and grace of God.

Likewise many for the sake of convenience decide to move in together prior to marriage with the excuse that hey! We're getting married anyway soon and it's cheaper for two to live and we can save the extra money for the wedding. I have a friend who used to play Bass for me and is now in a well known local worship group who recently informed me of meeting a girl on the internet and marrying her. Prior to the day he moved her here from Hawaii and in with him. I frankly asked him, "so, did you behave yourself during that time", his response, "Man, don't even go there, we're adults and know what we're doing, we were getting married anyway." This is a man who was/is serving God in music ministry, wants God to bless their efforts yet ignore basic biblical truth, I'm afraid too many of us just like my friend just don't care to live Holy.
We knew this as situational ethics and were warned when our kids were young that it would eventually overtake our morals and thinking. Again the bible is clear on this subject so what should be our response.

My new friend in the blogging world, Pastor Luke, had a post concerning cussing and his cultures unreluctant use of it. I read his comments and some of the replies but decided to refrain at the time from commenting. When I came to the Lord 26 years ago, I was less than a year out of the Navy and as you can probably guess I had a sailors vocabulary. Miraculously, without any effort of my own, the Lord took that language from my mouth. Now in the years hence, I must admit I have allowed some of it to come back in. I don't make any excuses for it and I don't justify it, it's just there. But, I am actively seeking to be renewed again in my mind and actions so as to be rid of it once and for all. Many have tried to use the commandment, "Don't take the name of the Lord in vain", as a proof text for not cussing. In actuality that verse doesn't really concern the use of foul language (which it could include in some instances) as much as an individual claiming to be a Christian or follower of God who is not really serious about it, in other words you profession of faith is vain.

The cussing issue to me falls more on the side of, How should our speech be? Cutting, cursing, tearing down, filthy, arrogant, etc. Or Holy, uplifting, full of grace, loving, caring, understanding, supportive. I'm not as worried about being classy as I am being Holy (set apart for God). When I speak I want men to hear Jesus, (love, compassion, peace, understanding), not the old salt I used to be nor the fool I am.

Come out from among them and be ye separate. Be Holy as I am Holy. These are commands I want to try and strive for, not separate from the sinners presence but from their actions, not Holier than thou but as Holy as I allow God to make me. I always liked what Tozer said in one of his messages, "We're all as Holy as we want to be", boy how I sell myself short too many times.

But for the Grace of God go I.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Freely you have received, sell it to support your ministry

In Matthew 10 Jesus is instructing His disciples in the matter of service and tells them to preach, heal, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and cast out demons following it with the command freely you have received, freely give. I have always tried to live by this principle when it comes to ministry, not that I don't think preachers or pastors should be paid, most of us know and agree on the scriptures that speak on this, what I am talking about is those who believe God called them to a particular ministry but no longer believe he will support it so they think they have to charge exuberant amounts of money for their ministry items.

Case in point is a well known evangelical preacher whom my wife and I enjoy listening too and trust to be a man of God but feels he needs to charge $80 - $100 for CD sets of his teachings that came from God and were meant to teach and edify the Body of Christ. Now I don't have a problem with covering costs but you and I both know it doesn't cost that much to produce a CD and a set of 6 with case should be no more than $10 - $15 max. I know I may be nit picking or not seeing the whole picture but I just don't think that what I have to offer that is a gift of God in the first place, be it music or teaching, can ever be sold for more than what God will so richly supply if I am in his will in what I do.

What happened to the love offering or freewill offering to receive these items? Do they not trust God any longer to meet their needs that they now have to help him out. If I think I'm involved with something God has called me to do and I have to find ways to support it myself then I need to rethink my calling and see if I'm really in the will of God or not. Chuck Smith had a saying he always lived by that went, "Where God guides, God provides", I believe that and I'm learning to trust him more as he guides me into his service.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Do you value your time?

My wife and I are currently going through a Bible Study on Finances which has been very good so far. I had created some of my own opinions about giving over the years that I have had to reconsider in light of the information I have learned in this study. One item was time, I had formed the opinion that since I did so much at the Church and in other ministries free of charge that I didn't necessarily need to tithe my money, that my time was my tithe. What I learned was that I didn't value my time as much as my money and time is the one thing you spend that you can't get back. Money can be spent and replenished, but time once used is gone for good. I think I need to begin to be a good steward of both for the Glory of God.